Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2009 Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) Selection Prestige White Bordeaux

Hello! Al and I had a nice white Bordeaux last night. I prepared chicken breasts with cream ala Julia Child. I served it with asparagus and rice. It was actually a quick and easy recipe if making a sauce with en entire cup of cream doesn't seem like a bit much. Julia recommended a white bordeaux, and I just happened to have this one. It was very nice with the chicken dish. The crisp acidity of the wine cut the creaminess of the sauce. But this wine was richer and more flavorful than many Sauvignon Blanc wines. White Bordeaux can be made from Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, and Muscadelle. They are typically predominantly Sauvignon Blanc, but blending in the other varietals gives the wine more body and richness. This wine is a bland of Sauvignon Blanc (40%) and Semillon (60%). It had a nice pale straw color. The nose was fruity and sweet with a bit of floral. i picked up lemon, pear and a bit of pineapple. The taste was not nearly as sweet as the nose. It started with the taste of lemon, then green apple on the mid-palate, then a bit of almond (and vanilla?) on the finish. It also picked up some grassiness as it opened. Overall, this was very nice. It was crisp but medium bodied and had a silky lingering finish. I'm going out today to see if I can find another bottle. I picked this up at Bob's a month or so ago. I'm not sure of the price, but I believe it was $15-$20.

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